Cananga Essential Oil 10ml
Cananga Essential Oil 10ml
Cananga oil has a lot in common with ylang-ylang essential oil; it resides in the same family, but is less floral and greener when it comes to aroma.
It’s most important use is in cosmetics and perfumes. It has aphrodisiac properties that stimulate hormones and may boost the libido. Its antiseptic qualities may provide stimulation of the circulatory system to help ease tension and alleviate feelings that come from everyday stress.
Cananga oil can be used in skincare to promote rejuvenation, and may ease discomfort from insect bites.
Blends well with Jasmine, Orange, Frankincense and Patchouli.
Aromatics: Floral, sweet and slightly green and woody.
Note: Middle
How to use
How to use
Diffusion: Use three or four drops in an
essential oil diffuser.
Topical Application: Dilute one to two drops
with a carrier oil, then apply to the desired area.
Inhaling: Hold the bottle a few inches under
your nose and take three deep breaths.
Cananga Odorata (Cananga) Flower Oil
Extraction method: 100% steam distillation
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Ingestion is not recommended.
- Possible skin sensitivity, patch test before
using to detect any irritation. - Generally unsafe during pregnancy and
breastfeeding, consult your doctor. - Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and
sensitive areas. - May stain surfaces, fabrics, and skin.
- Store in a cool dry place away from direct